By resolution A/RES/63/139 of 11 December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly decided:
" designate 19 August as World Humanitarian Day in order to contribute to increasing public awareness about humanitarian assistance activities worldwide and the importance of international cooperation in this regard, as well as to honour all humanitarian and United Nations and associated personnel who have worked in the promotion of the humanitarian cause and those who have lost their lives in the cause of duty, and invites all Member States and the entities of the United Nations system, within existing resources, as well as other international organizations and non-governmental organizations, to observe it annually in an appropriate manner."
Nota: sei por experiência própria que nem todos partilhamos os mesmos valores, ética e moral - na verdade, vári@s são aquel@s cuja conduta e profissionalismo deixa (muito) a desejar, como em tudo na vida, mas é sempre bom relembrar as vidas perdidas ao serviço da causa humanitária.
Vejamos como se irá celebrar por cá este dia.
quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009
Porque hoje se celebra o Dia Mundial Humanitário
Publicado por
Henrique Gomes
Etiquetas: Causas, Divulgação, Internacional, Mundo
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