segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007

Dia Internacional de Acção dos Blogues

É hoje. O tema de 2007 é o Ambiente... logo não podia faltar aqui. Mais tarde colocarei a minha reflexão sobre o assunto.

Para quem estiver interessado em participar, o Comissário Europeu Stavros Dimas irá disponibilizar no seu blog um chat onde se discutirão diversas questões (12:00-15:00 GMT):

"Are GMOs a good thing? How ‘green’ is the European Commission in its own operations? Will Europeans ever be weaned off petrol-powered cars? And are biofuels the solution - or a recipe for world hunger? Are the Greeks really more concerned than other EU nations about the environment, as Eurobarometer opinion polls always show? When will the EU Emissions Trading System start cutting emissions? Does the Commission actually listen to what stakeholders say during Green Week?

These may be some of the questions – among thousands of other environmental topics – that you will want to raise and I look forward to chatting with you later today."

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